
Could Geeetech A30M Be The Best Budget 3D Printer?

Although recent years have seen improvements on 3D technology and more affordable prices for desktop 3D printers.,low-priced 3D printers often do not come with amazing features and sometimes, even fall short of expectations. For example, printers sold at around $200 still require manual leveling, are prone to clogging, and only work with a handful of materials. Another more common problem afflicting 3D printer users is the huge noise those machines make when printing. On the other hand, high-end printers are still out of reach for many due to their prices, up to $6,000,dependent on its printing technology and features.

This is where the Geeetech A30M find its niche in the world of 3D printing.

  Budget Dual Extruder Pick Geeetech A30M is a FDM dual-extruder 3D printer that allows users to combine colors and materials with abandon. The Geeetech“color-mixer”software featured in this model is an easy-to-use tool kit that empowers users to create up to thousands of color combinations, and allows them to preview these mixes prior to actual prints. To date, only a handful of dual extruder 3D choices can be found on the market, and are expensive. A30M is now available at $499 during promotion season, making it an ideal choice for those who have a tight budget.


 The“Noise Terminator” 3D printer users have long been afflicted by the noises those machines produce. In order to tackle this problem, A30M is equipped with the TMC2208 driver, which is dubbed as “the noise terminator” by staffers at Geeetech, for it slashes the noise level substantially. The device is living proof that a well affordable 3D printer does not have to be noisy. 

Noise Emission: < 40dB(A) when building. Warning: do not doze off during printing! 


 Easy-to-Use  In order to help users get around the hassle of manual leveling,which is tedious and time-consuming, A30M offers an optional add-on: auto-leveling,which allows users to start printing upon successful assembly. If you are new in 3D printing and/or do not have much time in between prints, it is highly suggested that you include this in your purchase. Besides that, you can get a 3d touch to interact with the device at your fingertip or add a 3D wifi module that allows for remote control, same as controlling your TV with a remote, at the expense of 20 dollars extra. When left unattended, the device can be secured and locked with a pin code, allowing the owner to limit its access to trusted individuals only. Lastly, printing on the machine can be controlled over a PC or from your G-code file stored on a microSD card.


  Auto Resuming  Compared to its predecessors such as the A10 and A20 series,A30M runs on Smarttor, Geeetech’s own firmware, which is more powerful and faster than Marlin, and is characterized by its ability to detect filament and to continue printing from where it has stopped in case of power failure, broken filament or when your filament runs out. This function is realized by the filament sensor installed on the printer.  


 Quality Prints: Dual photoelectric limit switches on both Z Axes provide stable and accurate positioning of the print bed,and the large-sized nuts makes adjusting the print bed a snap. The machine is less prone to clogging,thanks to the 360°ventilation design that optimizes dissipation of heat. It prints at an accuracy of 0.1mm




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